
Landscape Watering

One of the largest expenses to Strata (and your maintenance fees) is Landscaping.  Strata is working to ensure our grounds are healthy, look good and well maintained through our landscapers.  Lack of watering is the largest issue facing our complex as we are having our lawns die off and many shrubs and plants throughout the complex not surviving the summer months due to lack of water.

It’s important that owners maintain the landscaping and ground around their units to ensure we can keep your maintenance fees low.

Please see the MetroVancouver website for watering restriction days (http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/water/conservation-reservoir-levels/lawn-sprinkling/Pages/default.aspx)


Vegetable and Flower Garden Watering

Sprinkling restrictions do not affect vegetable and flower garden watering. You may water your garden as often as needed, but use a watering can or a hose with a spring-loaded, shut-off nozzle to reduce water waste.